Friday, November 05, 2004

Killing This Blog

For reasons I won't go into here, this Blog is dead. Don't expect me to update, etc.

Visit the Affiliate Guy - you'll love it ;-)

Thursday, September 16, 2004

A cup of coffee and an amazing view.

As I sipped a cup of coffee this morning with Ted, this was our view. He's ready to go and so am I.

Somewhere to the south of us is a big hurricane. I hope everyone makes it here o.k. I'd hate for them to have to miss Newbies Day.

This ain't a bad hotel at all. Posted by Hello

People get ready ...

Everything is in a blur as they put this whole thing together. But no dramas here (learned that one in Australia) as the Internet connection and the video projector works. A quick cup of coffee is next and then I'm off to my room to get ready for my presentation. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Guess What I'm Going to Launch?

I'll be launching at the World Internet Summit. They'll get the first crack at it and, well, they're going to get a great deal as well.

This is going to be great.

Monday, September 13, 2004

World Internet Webcasts

Don't forget, you can get a lot of the preview calls and the like at

Well worth the visit, even if you don't attend.

No attending the World Internet Summit, you can "be there" anyway.

This is your once-in-a-lifetime-chance to tune into a LIVE broadcast from the *World Internet Summit - USA*. Click here to make it happen.

It's brought to you as a "webcast", so you can tune in with your browser and avoid all long-distance charges!

At 3pm CT-USA (worldwide schedule posted on webpage) all 12 world-class Internet experts speaking at the Summit will be taking the mike. One after one revealing their own unique twist to the single most important question any startup enterprise needs to ask...

Think of it! Internet Millionaires responding to the single question that could open the floodgates for you:

"How Can You Virtually Guarantee The Success Of Any Start-Up Internet Business?"

At you can catch this global crew of marketers at the top of their games, minds crackling with marketing ideas.

PLUS! You'll get an update on the famous "Challenge"...

"Give me a willing person, Loan me a laptop computer with an Internet Connection, And they'll have a product, a website, and money in the bank before 72 hours is up!... PLUS a system to make that money over and over again for life!"

You'll get to meet the lucky winner, in their moment of exhilaration!

"Any bets about what we'll do?"

It's an amazing demonstration of what the ordinary person can do on the Internet!...

* Ken Kinnett - socked in a tidy $4,472 in 72 hours!
* Daisy Cabig - prayed to ma~ke $100, ma~de $10,622!
* Margaret Berman - didn't even believe it would work and flew past the 72 hour marker with $11,431!

Check it all out here.

Getting Ready ...

I leave in less than 48 hours so I'm getting ready.

If you want to follow along at home with this one, here's the RSS feed:

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Hold until the event

Since I'm Blogging X10 and the Big Seminar, I figured I should Blog this one as well.